Changes in the kind of cotton,
increase in production
" Most important economic development was shift of econ.
power from "upper South" to "lower South."
- early 1800s: upper South relied on tobacco, which rapidly
exhausted land & was subject
to price depressions
- lower South relied on rice, sugar, & long-staple (Sea
Island) cotton, which were limited
to small areas
" short-staple cotton: hardier, coarser, could grow successfully
in a variety of climates, cotton gin largely solved problem
of difficult processing
" cotton production spread from South Carolina &
Georgia westward, across Alabama and Mississippi to Louisiana,
Arkansas, & Texas
" by Civil War, cotton constituted nearly 2/3 of total
US exports (5 million bales of cotton/ year)
Differences that set the South apart
" great profitability of agriculture, esp. cotton … little
incentive to look to manufacturing
" climate (long, hot, steamy summers) less suitable for
" values- chivalry, leisure, elegance
Southern way of life
" cavalier lifestyle: planter class believed to be entrenched
aristocracy, refined &
gracious way of life, elaborate code of
chivalry obligated men to defend their
"honor" by dueling, "manhood"
" Southern lady: lives centered in the home, "defense"
of women important to men,
less access ro education than in the North,
suffered from husbands' frequent
infidelity, "plantation mistress"
became not much more than an ornament
" levels of society:
- planter class: owned 40 or more slaves & 800 or more
acres, newly wealthy,
competitive businessmen
- "plain folk"- modest subsistence farmers who owned
a few slaves, male-
dominated family structure
- "hill people"- proud sense of seclusion, slavery
unattractive, expressed
animosity toward planter aristocracy
- non-slaveowning whites: tied to slavery through kinship
networks, credit, &
"Peculiar Institution"
" Slavery as a way of life:
- slave codes forbade slaves to read, acquire property, leave
without permission,
carry weapons, etc.
- "head drivers," trusted slavers, worked under
overseers as foremen
- slave quarters crowded & dirty
- slave women worked hardest, in the field & caring for
- high death rate & short life spans
" Slave trade: professional slave traders led slaves
by foot, train, or boat; domestic slave trade separated families
& auctioned off slaves like livestock / Africans smuggled
into US until 1850s
" Slave resistance:
- 2 extremes: Sambo (obedient) & rebel
- 1800: Gabriel Prosser gathered 1000 slaves outside Richmond…unsuccessful
- 1822: Denmark Vesey's plot in Charleston was crushed
- 1831: Nat Turner & his followers killed 60 white men,
women, & children
- Underground RR hindered by white slave patrols
" Free blacks: feared due to slave conspiracies and insurrections,
most lived in poverty & had difficulty finding jobs
Culture of slavery
" language ("pidgin") drew from English and
African dialects
" sang spirituals and attached much importance to voices,
song, and dance
" many blended Christianity with voodoo or polytheistic
" due to the lack of legal marriage and frequent separation
of family members, the "nuclear family" and extended
kinship networks were important