Underlying causes of reform
" nation was growing in geographical extent, population
diversity, & economic complexity
" romanticism rested on the basic goodness of the human
spirit & society's responsibility to unleash it
" desire for restoration of discipline & stability
Rise of American culture
" paintings focused on wild, untamed nature- artists
of the Hudson River School painted Hudson Valley, Yosemite,
Yellowstone, the Rockies, etc.
" James Fenimore Cooper evoked the American wilderness
& the challenges of the frontier
" Walt Whitman's poems celebrated democracy & the
unleashing of emotion
" emergence of historical romances & crude realistic
literature in the South
" Reason was the individual's capacity to grasp beauty
& truth- highest human faculty- people should strive for
" Understanding was use of intellect- involved repression
of instinct
" Ralph Waldo Emerson stressed communion with nature,
American cultural independence, & exploration of spirit
" Henry David Thoreau advocated "civil disobedience,"
or "passive resistance"
Utopian Societies
" Brook Farm: led by Boston transcendentalist George
Ripley- communal labor & leisure (gave positive connotation
to leisure)- individualism gave rise to socialism
" New Harmony: led by Robert Owen - to be a "Village
of Cooperation" where everyone lived in perfect equality-
failed economically
" evangelical Protestantism added major strength to crusade
vs. drunkenness
" women especially active- claimed husbands spent all
their money on alcohol & that it caused them to beat their
" American Society for the Promotion of Temperance (1826)
& Washington Temperance Society (1840)
" battle over prohibition laws pitted established Protestants
vs. Catholic immigrants
Educational Reform
" Horace Mann (secretary of Massachusetts Board of Education)-
lengthened academic year, doubled teachers' salaries, introduced
new training for teachers
" principle of tax-supported elementary schools supported
in all the states
" all Southern blacks barred from formal education
" efforts by missionaries & others to educate Native
" Benevolent Empire: institutions to help the handicapped
Rehabilitation movements
" asylums for criminals & the mentally ill- horrible
" penitentiaries & mental institutions designed to
provide proper environment
" rigid prison discipline, solitary confinement, &
silent work crews- designed to rid criminals of laxness that
had led them astray
" orphanages, almshouses, & workhouses created to
help the poor and helpless
Reservation system
" reservation: enclosed region in which Indians could
live in isolation from white society
" basically a form of relocation with an attempt at "regeneration"
of the Indian race
" (1848) first Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls,
NY: led by Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, & Susan
B. Anthony
" Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions launched
movement for female suffrage, as well as rejection of separate
" many feminists were Quakers
" feminism was secondary concern to abolitionism
" William Lloyd Garrison: demanded the immediate, unconditional,
universal abolition of slavery, wanted to extend to blacks
all the rights of American citizenship, founded the Liberator
in Boston, became leader of most radical faction of the American
Antislavery Society
" David Walker urged slaves to rise up & kill their
" Frederick Douglass: founded the North Star in NY, demanded
full social & economic equality
" American Antislavery Society fractured on lines of
female participation, immediate emancipation vs. moral suasion,
" Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom's Cabin