Chapter 2

Jamestown: founded for gold. Much death and disease. Would've failed w/out
John Smith, but he took leadership and organized raids on Indian villages
for food.  Headright system used to attract settlers. Not enough food.
Tobacco first grown here.

House of Burgesses: Formed in 1619. Delegates from various communities met.
First meeting of an elected legislature, a representative assembly.

Maryland: Founded by Leonard and Lord Baltimore. Acknowledged the crown with
an annual fee. Much religious tolerance because of the Protestant majority
and Catholic minority. But disputes because of this ratio. It was meant to
be a religious retreat for English Catholics. Baltimore given MUCH power
over this land. Headright system used, friendly w/Indians.

Bacons Rebellion: Bacon =on gov. council. From backcountry. Backcountry is
plagued w/Indian attacks. Bacon is mad because the gov. is not stopping
these attacks. Bacon is also mad at Berkley (gov. of VA) because Berkley
excludes Bacon from his government council, and does not let Bacon have a
piece of the fur trade. Then:
-Indians attack backcountry killing 1 white servant
-Whites strike back, attacking a very powerful Indian tribe
-More raids back and forth
-Bacon defies Berkley and struck out on their own. Bacon declared rebel
-Bacon marches to Jamestown, burns city, and runs Berkley out. He would''ve
taken over but dies from dysentery.

Plymouth/Mayflower Compact: members of a European church are blown of course
and land in Plymouth. They realize they have no right to be there so the 41
saints sign a doc. Creating a civil gov. and proclaiming their loyalty to
the king.

Massachusetts Bay Colony: Originally a merchant venture for economic
reasons. Then Puritans want to escape religious persecution and make a
religious haven. "City upon a hill" Indians friendly and town grows.

Roger Williams/Thomas Hooker/Anne Hutchison: all challenge the Puritan
church. Williams said the church should abandon all allegiance to the Church
of England. He called for separation of church and state. He is banished,
takes followers, and establishes Rhode Island.  Hutchison claimed that the
leaders of the church were not elect and did not deserve to head up
church. Banished, moves to R.I. Hooker defies church by taking his
congregation into the wild to establish Hartford.

English Civil War: Charles I dissolves Parliament and rules as absolute
monarch. Parliament is mad and rebels. Cavaliers support king, Roundheads
support Parliament. Parliament wins and beheads Charles. Oliver Cromwell, a
roundhead, replaces him. After Cromwell's death Charles II comes out of
exile and continues to rule.

Three Colonial Regions:

Carolinas: funded by Anthony Ashley Cooper. Headright system. North and
South very different.

Charles II gives Duke of York land in U.S., but Dutch already laid claim to
this land. England fights, takes land from Dutch and names it New York. Much

Sir John Berkley and Sir George Carteret given N. Jersey. Royal colony, much

Georgia: buffer zone Impoverished sent there. Founded by a group of unpaid
trustees led by James Oglethorpe.

Navigation Acts: Designed to regulate colony trade. 1. Closed colonies to
trade except that carried in English ships, sad certain things (like
tobacco) could be sold only to England. 2. All items must be taxed 3. 
Imposed duties on costal trade and appointed officials to enforce acts. Nav.
Acts beneficial to both U.S. and England

Dominion of New England: James II (successor of Charles II) combined gov. of
Mass with gov. of the rest of the New England colonies including N. York and
Jersey. Eliminated assemblies and appointed a single gov, Sir Edmund Andros
to rule. But Andros is stern, tactless, and unpop.

Glorious Revolution: English people are scared of having a Catholic King
(James II's son, who was being raised a Catholic) so William and Mary or
Orange invited to rule. They come marching over, James is scared and runs,
and W + M rule. U.S. hears this, becomes brave, overthrows Andros.