Chesapeake vs. New England:
Ches: many men, little women. High mortality rate. Sexual
behavior more
flexible. Many indentured servants= many premarital relations.
children. Women could chose who to marry because of un= ratio.
New E.: ration more balanced. Lower mortality rate. Less independent
(because there were fewer widows) fathers choose whom daughters
Puritan church very important, as well as the mother. Beginnings
republican mothers.
Indentured Servants: many came freely, but other times criminals
shipped to U.S. to become indentured servants. Being an Indentured
was an attractive way of coming to U.S.
Slavery in North America/Middle Passage: Slavery becomes more
brutal. Slaves
packed in tight quarters; many are sick and die on the middle
passage to get
to U.S. Slavery increases greatly.
Puritan Community: covenants made, binding all residents together
in a
religious and social commitment to unity and harmony. Town
meetings held.
Tight knit society.
Witchcraft: mostly women accused. Young girls made the accusations
witches were torturing them. A reflection of the social strains
of the
community. Spread throughout many n. England towns.
Great Awakening: Big religious revival movement. Preachers
traveled the
country telling their sermons. Large crowds gathered.
The Enlightenment: great education movement. Human reason
and scientific
inquiry stressed, as well as observation and experimentation.
Early Education: some families taught children to read and
write. Dame
schools conducted by widows. ½ all white men could read, even
women had a
higher literacy rate in U.S. than England. Colleges formed.
Colonial Mindset re: law, science: both encouraged. Ex: cotton
created inoculation against smallpox. As political system
develops, lawyers
come about. Ex: Alexander Hamilton is a prominent lawyer who
wins case for
John Peter Zenger, saying a statement is libelous only if