Chapter 4

Salutary Neglect: The English belief that leaving the colonies alone was a
good thing; that they would develop like devoted British colonies.

Albany Plan: proposed by Ben Franklin. Said U.S. would make one general
gov while the colonies would still have their colonial gov. main gov. would
receive more power. No one approves it.

French-Indian War: Ohio Valley= spot of tension. English and French want it.
French make fortresses in Ohio Valley. England builds Fort Necessity there.
F. Attack fort. Beginning of war. France loosed war and surrenders.

Post-War Issues for British:
-Salutary neglect during war
-$ Depleted in war
-Empire is too big, no adequate gov. system
-George III takes crown and uneasy control over parliament
-George Grenville becomes prime minister= very unsympathetic to US, tries to
begin controlling US

Proclamation of 1763: forbids settlers to advance beyond line drawn along
the Appalachian Mts. basically ignored.

Stamp Act: England imposes tax on printed items. US mad because this was
seen as a way to raise revenue for the British gov.

Sons of Liberty: terrorized stamp agents, and burned stamps

Townshend Duties: taxes on various goods imported to the colonies from
England. US sees taxes as a way to raise revenue only. US boycotts the
British goods.

Mass and Boston as colonial leaders: Mass took lead in opposing townshend
duties by circulating a letter to all colonial gov. saying "don't pay taxes"
it is ignored until England says assemblies that follow Mass's lead will be
dissolved. Then all gov. joined mass as a defiance. Boston started the

Boston Massacre: British soldiers shoot into a crowd accidentally, and some
people killed. US sensationalize this.

Actual vs. Virtual Rep: US wants actual people in England to have a say on
colony's behalf. England says that they are basically doing that because
they have the best interest of the US.

Boston Tea Party: Tax on tea. Ship w/tea pulls into Boston harbor. Colonists
dressed as Mohawks sneak onboard and throw tea overboard, costing England
much $

Intolerable/Coercive Acts: Response to tea party. Boston port closed,
self-gov. of colony's power reduced, and royal officers could be tried in
other colonies or in England. Also said troops could be quartered in barns
or unoccupied houses. People are very mad.

First Continental Congress: Met Sept. 1774 is Carpenters Hall in
Philadelphia. Made 5 resolutions:
1. Rejected a plan for colonial union under England (much like the Albany
2. Statement of grievances issued
3. Approved a series of resolutions, including one that said the US should
prepare in case of a war with England
4. Agreed to nonimportation, notexportation and nonconsumption of English
5. Agreed to meet again

Lexington and Concord: British troops want to raid Lexington and Concord but
Paul Revere and William Dawes ride all night, sounding the warning. US is
ready. "Shot heard round the world" fired here, starting the war. No one
knows who shot first.