1. Agrarian Society to industrial:
- Screwed with Republican values because they wanted society
of sturdy independent farmers, free from cities; localism
and simplicity Ð proposed federal government with limited
- Almost failed because industrialism
2. Republican ideal of universal education:
- National Òcrusade against ignoranceÓ Ð created public schools,
argued for free education
- No states effectively enacted public school plans; education
remained limited.
3. Judith Sargent Murray:
- 1784 published essay on womenÕs rights to education; women
equal in intellect and potential; identical education and
job opportunities.
4. Early Medicine:
- University of Pennsylvania 1st medical school by Benjamin
- Hard to overcome superstitions with modern science; useless
and dangerous treatments: bleeding and purging, still used.
- New devotion to ÒscientificÓ method; limited womenÕs roles.
5. American Culture:
- Nationalism
- Wanted cultural independence; achieved through publication
of own dictionary, texts.
- Students educated as Patriots.
- New American literature.
6. Second Great Awakening:
- Result of skepticism caused by separation of church and
state that had lessened the churchÕs power.
-Evangelizing efforts by leaders of several Protestant Churches
- 1800 Surge of evangelism = Òholy jerks,Ó camp meetings.
- Not really revived of old but growth of new denominations;
Native Americans combine Christianity and native culture.
7. Beginnings of Industry:
- Modern industry in England diffuses to the United States
establishing factories and leading to new technologies.
8. Cotton Gin: Eli WhitneyÕs invention that cleaned cotton
and sped up production.
9. Transportation:
- Fulton and Livingston create steamboat; quicker travel,
- ÒTurnpike Era,Ó begun with roads with tollbooths.
10. Capital in Washington D.C.:
- Poor choice of raw, uncompleted town.
- Symbol of unimportance of federal government.
- Small population; poor climate.
- Result of compromise with South.
11. Economy of Jefferson:
- Cut debt in 1/2 by cutting federal expenditures; abolished
internal taxes so sale of Wes and were all government gains
of revenue. ($$)
Scaled down armed forces and navy; establish West Point military
12. Marbury vs. Madison:
- Establishes judicial review; court could declare law passed
by congress unconstitutional.
13. Louisiana Purchase:
- Jefferson wanted New Orleans from French for trade.
- Napoleon offered entire territory for $15 million because
no longer wanted an American empire.
14. Lewis and Clark:
-Jefferson planned expedition
- Kept diaries of travels, documented maps, plants, and animals.
15. Burr Conspiracy:
- Hamilton accused Burr of helping Federalists succeed; when
Burr lost election challenged Hamilton to duel and killed
Hamilton; burr becomes an outcast.
- Burr ran to West where there were rumors of him taking over
Mexico and creating a Southwest empire for him to rule over.
*Jefferson ordered Burr arrested as traitor when Burr and
a group of armed men were crossing Ohio River.
- Burr freed because Marshall; forever an outcast.
16. High Seas:
- British tried to impress American sailor; forced to work
on ships.
- British refused to renounce Embargo Act to stop impressments.
17. Native Americans:
- Gained support but after death, movement failed.
18. War of 1812:
- America wars with Great Britain for conquest of Canada and
stop impressments.
- American also battle with Native Americans.
- Peace talks end in Treaty of Ghent; little power.
19. Hartford Convention:
- Secession Effort.
- Federalist meeting to voice grievances and assert rights
of nullification.
- New amendments against West and South; Republicans refused.